Tereza Kocholata

Photography - BA (Hons)

I am an artist based between Cambridge, UK and Prague, Czechia. My work is deeply rooted in personal narrative and deals with themes of melancholy, loneliness, nostalgia and the ephemerality of human experience. I work across many different formats such as photography, poetry, video-collage and music.

“No More Walls” is an audio-visual installation rectifying my relationship to sensuality. It tells a story of how I couldn't cry for seven years and what happened when I finally allowed myself to feel everything.

Inspired by Anais Nin’s poem about wild emotions, I explored what it means to live sensually, have an embodied experience of life and embrace messy, human emotions.

Combining moving image and sounds from my past with my poem has guided me to radical honesty, to freedom and a state where I take deep breaths and don’t feel the need to explain myself. Main colours have been chosen for the connotations they have: beige represents numbness, while red symbolises death as well as life.

Following the rhythm of rebirth and awakenings, the sequence repeats itself the same way my mind revisits talismanic moments from my past, representing non-linearity of time.

It is an ode to vulnerability and a celebration of messy feelings.