Filipa Fróis

Drama - BA (Hons)

From Portugal to the UK with a dream.

My name is Filipa Fróis and I’m graduating this year from Drama at ARU. The piece you can see from me in this website is that of my practical element of my Undergraduate Major Project, called In The Clouds. The idea behind my work was to create a piece of inclusive and accessible family theatre. It revolves around the theme of storms, a theme most accessible and recognisable by all viewers.

Through the exploration and use of technology I was able to create accessibility aids and make a show that lives within an accessible website, with 4 versions: including captioning, audio description, both or none. The themes of accessibility and inclusion are some I’m wishing to continue pursuing throughout my career, alongside my immense love for doing projects with the community.

Furthermore, I’m very passionate about screen acting, and that’s something I’d like to explore within the immediacy of my graduation. The passion for screen acting has mainly come from the need to transform all assessments to online due to the pandemic and it has definitely shown me a new path to my career that I for sure want to dig deeper into.