Anna McVey
Illustration - BA (Hons)
Anna McVey is an illustrator based in The Lake District. She went to school and completed her Arts Foundation in Kendal before moving to Cambridge to study Illustration.
She is particularly interested in graphic novels and narrative art and is inspired by surreal and offbeat imagery. She also gains a lot of inspiration from film and animation and she often focuses on emotional and character driven stories in her work.
Her materials mostly include acrylics and coloured pencils and photoshop is used to touch up final images. Her time studying in Cambridge has been incredibly valuable and recently she has been able to experiment with aspects of illustration that particularly interest her. Animation, for example, is something she is considering exploring in the future as her previous experiences with moving image have been rewarding and enjoyable. She is hoping to work freelance for a while and continue to develop her visual language before looking into a Masters in animation in a few years time.