Stephania Meza

Fashion - BA (Hons)

Stephanie Meza is a textile - print fashion design student. She loves the idea of making her own prints and finding innovative techniques that can help expand her designs. She loves going out of society’s expectations and linking controversial topics that would not normally go together. She desires to develop her skills further in print design development as well as technical work and experimenting with different materials to widen her ideas. She wants to show her identity through her work and prints, which will make it personal to her and for those who may relate to her.

Born in Zimbabwe, Harare, Stephanie moved to the United Kingdom when she was seven years old. Her first encounter with fashion was at  13, when they introduced textiles to her secondary school. From that time she knew she wanted to pursue fashion as a career. As an African native she wants to create prints and clothing that represents her culture but also that represents Africa as a whole. As a designer she wants to stand out and create a positive message not just for her as an individual but for everyone who comes across her.


This collection combines military structured garments with traditional tie dye techniques. Military embodies strength, protection and control; whereas tie dye is the opposite - freedom of expression and individuality. Velcro is used to reflect the durability and strength of military aspects. Tie dyeing highlights the importance of sustainability through maintaining traditional craft approaches.