Gertrude Oppong

MA International Relations

I might say being in Anglia Ruskin University has taught me a lot of things these part years. I am proud to be a Ghanaian who also loves trying new things, exploring and I will say I have explored most parts of Cambridge. I studied BA Sociology at Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and am now a master’s student of International Relations, which is a very interesting and educative course and I hope everyone gets the chance to study it.

One thing about me is that I always want to be a lawyer, and I have worked at a lot of law firms back in Ghana, which has given me a lot of insight about law and how lawyers are passionate about their work. One day, I will be a successful lawyer. I really love reading and watching a lot of movies - I will watch any movie which is interesting and educative as well.

My dissertation is about Ghana moving from Donor Darling to Ghana Beyond Aid. My motivation for this topic is the vision for transforming Ghana’s economy, which is now based mainly on the productions and exports of raw materials, to one based on manufacturing and high value services, an economy that provides opportunities, jobs and prosperity to all Ghanaians. I believe Ghana beyond aid achievable, and we should make this beautiful country of mine more prosperous and improve the quality of life of every Ghanaian.

I know it is time to pursue a path to prosperity and self-respect for our nation; it is self-confident for Ghana to take charge of her economic destiny and engage competitively with the rest of the world through trade and investment. Though very ambitious, the Ghana Beyond Aid vision is achievable because I know Ghana has a lot of raw materials that will help the nation.