Warren Lee Cooper

Film and Television Production - BA (Hons)

Warren was never sure what he wanted to do when he grew up. It ranged from a P.E teacher to a chef to a Fireman. The one constant during this time of indecision was his desire to entertain people. Warren's Dad got a job in the film industry when he was 11 and after visiting the set and seeing the lights and wonder of it all, he decided this was what he wanted to do.

Initially, Warren was interested in Directing but after being at University and trying different roles he found writing was where his passion lies. Comedy is his favourite genre to write although he has been dabbling in drama and horror so as not to become a one-trick pony.

Ultimately, Warren loves to entertain and tell stories, in whatever form they may come in, whether it be a Black and White film about Loss and Love, or a Mockumentary about a man whose best friend is a sock.

As long as Warren can entertain at least one person even if for just a minute, then he's done his job.