Annabelle Angeline

Illustration and Animation - BA (Hons)

Hello! My name is Annabelle Angeline, I am a passionate artist who has graduated with a BA (Hons) Illustration and Animation from Cambridge School of Art, Anglia Ruskin University.

As a child I was always fascinated by animation, particularly productions which would use this medium to enhance their storytelling. Classical arts, like ballet, and musical theatre have also had great structural influences within my work, whereas artists like Alfonse Mucha with Naoko Takeuchi and Ikuko Itoh have inspired my visual works.

My final film follows the structure of Greek tragedies, inspired by tales like Orpheus and Eurydice; along with classical pieces such as Giselle. This project originated from a personal loss I had experienced. The main character is driven to the extremes to try and save her wife; going into the unknown and willing to give up anything.

The setting is inspired by the African island of Mauritius, of which my family originates from and a place that I hold dear to my heart.

I have also produced a promotional animation for Cambridge Community Arts, a charity which promotes improving mental health with creativity. In the future, I want to continue working on projects which promote and display diversity.