Maria Duarte Pinto Oliveira

Photography - BA (Hons)

My name is Maria and I am studying at the third year of the photography course at ARU. I am dedicated in documenting the beauty of biodiversity through creative images. I have always been interested in learning about the natural world and as a photographer I want to inspire action to save the ecosystems and all the marvellous creatures that live within. My photographic practice is based on photography and drawing, while looking into antonym concepts, such as connection and disconnection, day and night, or nature and humanity. These are a few of the contemporary subjects explored in my landscape images, and outdoor portraiture photographs. I produce work that I believe in and work that it is needed for the world.

Connect the Disconnected
A project about our connection to nature during the pandemic. Produced on my third year of the photography course at ARU.

“Nature holds the key to our aesthetic, intellectual, cognitive and even spiritual satisfaction.”
Edward O. Wilson

From the Future
A project developed in my second year of university, documenting the cities of London and Paris in a long distanced future.