Danny Pym-Hember

MSc Computer Games Development (Computing)

Food Feud is a local multiplayer party game that combines fast paced action with messy fun.  Players control tasty treats that compete to cover arenas with colorful sauce.  Grabbing power ups and avoiding traps to splash their color about, players race against the clock and each other to create the biggest mess.  Developed as a class project in the Computer Games Masters program, Food Feud is a vertical slice project created to strengthen and showcase the students’ abilities.

Originating from a brief provided by Quang Nguyen of Asobi Tech, Food Feud was envisioned as a simple party game aimed at younger audiences and their families.  Developed in Unity using the Universal Render Pipeline, the game required the development team to design original gameplay and create assets and animations from scratch.  Through weekly meetings and constant playtesting, the team refined the game’s formula to find the fun and create a game that is engaging for players of all ages.