Sara Roberto

Film - BA (Hons)

I have always loved visual mediums, especially film and photography, as I feel like the mediums that better reproduce reality make it more fun and interesting to bend it. I first experienced this when studying photography in secondary school, producing maximalist photoshop montages with simple concepts based on dadaist art.

What I thought would become a mere hobby developed more when I came to ARU and decided to pursue film. Through my studies, I discovered more about the Avant-Garde and the many female filmmakers that belong to and/or revolutionised the genre, such as Maya Deren, Lis Rhodes and Jayne Parker. These and many other artists inspire me to test the limits of the image and produce rare or unique concepts that are new to film.

I like to explore different film genres, giving greater importance to the image. But I primarily consider myself an experimental filmmaker that explores the relationship between the creator and the means to create and makes the audience aware of those methods. I like to create moving images that seem like a meaningless abstract spectacle at first but make the audience question what they are seeing as they are seeing it and what it means to see it.

Presently, I work exclusively with film, searching social media and new internet trends to inspire me for future projects. My last film, Auto and me or Robots of Everywhere (2022), showcases different public methods of accessing AI-generated art. This practice is one that is still very new and under-documented, and I would like to produce more films that showcase and question what AI generated art means for the future of the art world.

I also like to explore reality-bending techniques in my films. I find it most effective when using reflections in unusual ways or showing the equipment used to produce a film. In Kameroscope (2021), the equipment is very much present in the frame. I feel like showing the equipment used in an unusual manner provokes a fourth wall break that catches the audience off guard.

I plan to restart my work in photography, focusing on photo collages and photographic studies of the body that express the physicality of intangible emotions and how the human mind processes intense feelings (positive or negative), translating them to the human body.